Optional Classical Guitar Accessories

Once you buy a classical guitar, classical guitar case, and classical guitar support, you might consider buying a few other classical guitar accessories. Things like metronomes, string winders, and humdifiers can make your life easier as a guitarist. Read about each one below.

Nail File

If you decide to use classical guitar nails, you will need to buy a nail file to shape your nails.

There are many different types of nail files that you can choose from. I recommend getting a durable file that is made of crystal or metal so that it will last a long time.

Extra-Fine Sand Paper

If you decide to use classical guitar nails, you will need to buy extra-fine sand paper to polish your nails.

I recommend using regular 600 grit sandpaper, or 500 grit open coat sandpaper. These both work very well for polishing.

Also, some nail files are specifically designed for polishing, with multiple "steps" of fine sandpaper.

Classical Guitar Sleeve

A classical guitar sleeve goes over your right forearm when you play - from your wrist to your elbow. It protect your guitar, while making it easier for you arm to slide back and forth.

You can buy an arm sleeve online, or you can make one yourself by cutting a long black sock at the ankle.


Metronomes produce regular, metrical ticks. Use a metronome to help you practice rhythm.

Click on the link below to buy a metronome form Guitar Center's website.

Wittner 5403 Metronome
Wittner 5403 Metronome

There are 2 types of metronomes you can buy - manual metronomes and electronic metronomes. Manual metronomes (like the one above) do not require any electricity, but are more bulky and require winding. Electronic metronomes are more portable, but require batteries.

Or if you have a smart phone, you can download a metronome app for free.

String Winder

String winders help you turn tuning pegs so that you can change classical guitar strings faster.

Click on the link below to buy a string winder form Guitar Center's website.

Planet Waves Pro-Winder String Winder/Cutter
Planet Waves Pro-Winder String Winder/Cutter

I highly recommend buying one of these! They don't cost very much, but will save you many hours of time.


If you live in a very dry climate, you might consider buying a humidifier for your guitar. Humidifiers will help prevent your guitar from cracking. Just put the humidifier inside the sound hole (or inside the guitar case) to keep the guitar moisturized.

Click on the link below to buy a guitar humidifier form Guitar Center's website.

Oasis Oh-14 Case Plus+ Humidifier
Oasis Oh-14 Case Plus+ Humidifier

You can either buy a guitar humidifier from a company like Oasis (pictured above), or put a damp paper towel inside of your case.

Guitar Stand

A guitar stand allows you to put your guitar on display for easy access. Click on the link below to buy a guitar stand form Guitar Center's website.

Musician's Gear Tubular Guitar Stand Black
Musician's Gear Tubular Guitar Stand Black


Some guitarists like to use thin, rubber grippers to help hold the guitar in place when they play.

You can buy rubber grippers at your local hardware store. Experiment to see if you like them.

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My name is Daniel Nelson, and I am a classical guitar teacher and performer from Los Angeles, California. Click here to learn more.